Setup.1-4'6740':+6 5'.'%65'672#761219'4 1(( 1((1((4'/16'%10641.%1&' 4'/16'%10641.%.1%-5'6&+52.#;2#0'.&+52.#;$4+)*60'5537+%-56#4672$7<<'4176276&'(#7.65'66+0)5'6725QHVYCTG8GTUKQPZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZm AUTO POWER (OFF)You can specify a time for the power of the unit to turn offautomatically when it is not being operated.Setting Values DescriptionOFF Power does not turn off automatically.2 HOURS Turns off power after two hours.6 HOURS Turns off power after six hours.m REMOTE CONTROL CODEFor remote control units compliant with JVC’s products,different remote control codes can be specified for those thatare used with this unit.Setting Values DescriptionREMOTE CONTROL 1 Sets remote control code to 1.REMOTE CONTROL 2 Sets remote control code to 2.REMOTE CONTROL 3 Sets remote control code to 3.REMOTE CONTROL 4 Sets remote control code to 4.m CLOCK SET/DISPLAYThe current date/time and the display format on the screencan be specified using the “CLOCK SET”, “DATE DISPLAY”,and “TIME DISPLAY CHOICE” items.v CLOCK SETSets the current date and time.Memo:v For details on the setting procedures, refer to “Setting thedate/time” (A page 20) .v DATE DISPLAYFor setting the date (year, month, and day) display format.Setting Values DescriptionYEAR.MONTH.DAY Displays the date in the year/month/day order.MONTH.DAY.YEAR Displays the date in the month/day/year order.DAY.MONTH.YEAR Displays the date in the day/month/year order.v TIME DISPLAY CHOICEFor setting the time display format.Setting Values Description12H Displays the time in AM/PM format.24H Displays the time in 24-hour format.m PANEL DISPLAY BRIGHTNESSThe brightness of the display window can be specified usingthe “DIMMER (POWER ON)”, and “DIMMER (POWER OFF)”control items.v DIMMER (POWER ON)For setting the brightness of the display window when thepower is turned "On".Setting Values DescriptionBRIGHT BrightDIMMED1 Slightly dimDIMMED2 DimDIMMED3 DimmerOFF OffSettings Menu75