27www.jbl.comEnglishusing playlisTsBecause USB devices and CD data discs can contain large numbers ofplayable files, you can create a playlist for each that will make it easier foryou to access selected files.To CREATE A PLAyLIST:NOTE: The procedure is the same for a CD data disc playlist and a USBplaylist.1. Press the Home button. The Home Menu screen will appear.2. Select CD data disc or USB. The Photo, Music and Video folders willappear.3. Select the type of file you want to create the playlist for. You can createa playlist for each type of file.4. As you search through the directory structure, when you see a file youwant to include in the playlist for that file type, highlight it and press theOptions button. The playlist options box will appear.5. To add the item to the playlist, select “Add to playlist.”6. Repeat Steps 4 – 5 for all items you want to add to the playlist.To create a playlist for a different file type, repeat Steps 1 – 6, but in Step 3,select a different file type.To PLAy A PLAyLIST:1. Press the Home button. The Home Menu screen will appear.2. Select Playlist. The Photo/Music/Video screen will appear.3. Select the file type of the playlist you want to play. The playlist will open.4. Select the first item in the playlist and press the Play button. The playlistwill play.To repeat the playlist, press the Repeat button. You can repeat one item(“1”) or the entire playlist (“All”).