AT-200CL- 30 -9.3 Pulse Width Control Trigger ModeIn this mode the accumulation time is equal to the trigger pulse width. Here it is possible tohave a long time exposure. The accumulation can be automatically set either LVALsynchronous or LVAL asynchronous in relation to FVAL and trigger timing. Refer to chapter7.2.4. The maximum recommended exposure time is <2 seconds.The resulting video signal will start to be read out after the trigger’s rising edge.For timing details, refer to fig.26 through fig.31 . and fig.35 through fig.37 .To use this mode:Set function: Trigger mode to “Pulse width control”. TR=2Scanning SC=0 ,1Vertical binning VB=0, 1Other functions and settingsInput: Ext. trigger. Camera Link or 12 Hirose TI=0, TI=1Important notes on using this mode Trigger pulse width >2 LVAL to <2 seconds. Minimum trigger interval is shown in the following table.Mode Minimum trigger intervalLVAL Sync 1.Exposure time < 1252L1252L + 3L2.Exposure time ≥ 1252LExposure time +2LLVAL Async Exposure time + 1252L +3LSmearless is ON Smearless time (181L) +Exposure time + 1252L + 3LNote: 1) On the above table, 1252L is FVAL interval on normal continuous mode2) In the vertical binning mode, 1L is different from the normal scanning. So, the minimumtrigger interval will be different.9.3.1 PWC timingFig. 34. Pulse Width Control.2 L1E f f e c t i v e L i n e s2 3 4 5O BD V A LD A T A O U Tt 1W h e n t h e L V A L S y n c A c c u m . : t 1 = 0 . 5 t o 1 . 5L ,t 2 = 1 . 5 LW h e n t h e L V A L A s y n c A c c u m . : t 1 = 0 . 5 L , t 2 = 1.0 t o 2 . 0 Lt 2L V A LS U BS GF V A LE E NE x t . T r i gE x p o s u r eP e r i o dX E E N(Hirose 12pin)1 2 3 6 LMi n: 2L~Max: 40V( 50080L)O B1 0 L12361L=1966 clock (39.32 μs)1248L