AT-200CL- 21 -7.2.8 Gamma setting (LUTC)The AT-200CL has various gamma settingsincluding LUT (Look Up Table). Gamma can beset OFF (1.0), 0.6, 0.45, or to exhibitcharacteristics set using LUT.The following shows the typical characteristicsin the case of gamma 0.6.Fig.21. Gamma settingCCD out Analog Signal Digital Out(36bit) Digital Out(30bit) Digital Out(24bit)Black Setup 3.6%, 25mV 128LSB 32LSB 8LSB200mV 700mV 3560LSB 890LSB 222LSB230mV↑ 800mV 4095LSB 1023LSB 255LSB7.2.9 Knee compensation (KN)If the relation of input and output is linear (1:1), theoutput signal is saturated at a certain level of theinput signal and details cannot be reproduced in thesaturated area. The knee compensation circuitmaintains linear output up to a knee point andcompresses the level after the knee point. This is setby a knee slope function. AT-200CL supports up to200% signal compression by knee slope. Factorydefault is OFF.Fig.22. Example of Knee characteristicsFunctions Data length Setting rangeKnee Point 10bit 0LSB ~ 1023LSBKnee Slope 12bit 0(x0.0005) ~ 4095(x2.0000)7.2.10 Test pattern generatorThe AT-200CL has an internal test pattern generator. These signals are output as the lastprocess of the digital signal processing circuit and can be used for adjustment of the relatedsystem. The AT-200CL has a total of 15 test pattern types.7.2.11 Center markerAt-200CL is equipped with a center marker generator. The center marker can be selectedfrom three types as described below.Analog Signal [mV]Black Level1023890320 25 700Digital Out [LSB]100% LevelWhite Clip Level835Video InputVideo OutputKnee SlopeKnee Point