AT-200CL- 11 -5.4. Rear Panel indicationThe rear panel mounted LED provides the followinginformation: Amber : Power connected - initiating Steady green : Camera is operating in Continuous mode Flashing green : The camera is receiving external triggerFig.6. rear panel6. Input and output circuitsThis chapter introduces the basic diagram and bit allocation of digital output.6.1. Iris video outputThis signal can be used for lens iris control In Continuousand RCT modes. The signal is NUM luminance signal andpasses through the gain circuit. However, due to reversedcompensation applied, the gain settings do not influencethis signal. The iris video output is 0.7 V p-p from 75 and without sync. This signal is always output except EPSand PWC modes.Fig. 7. Iris video output.6.2. Trigger inputWhen TI=1, the trigger input is on pin #10 onthe 12-pin connector. The input is AC coupled.To allow a long pulse width, the input circuitis a flip-flop, which is toggled by the negativeor positive differentiated spikes caused by thefalling or rising trigger edges.The trigger polarity can be changed by TP=1.Trigger input level is 4 V 2 V. It can beterminated by SW600 : ON for 75. OFF forTTL. The trigger inputs can be changed toCamera Link. (TI=0 for CL)Fig. 8. Trigger input.DACIris Video2K21K 1μ0.1μ+5V+5V●●●●●SW600TTL1K100K0.001μ0.1μ 1K215K39K75HIROSE 12P#10DIGITALI/O-2DCIN/TRIG/TRIGPOWERDIGITALI/O-1