20 - EnglishFull and half sets of diamondsBy changing the way the diamonds are set-up on thediamond holder discs, an operator can significantly ef-fect the performance of the machine and therefore, thefinished product.HALF-SET OF DIAMONDSWhen the diamonds are set-up as a half-set, they tendto follow the surface of the fl oor. Similar to a tripod for acamera, which can be placed on an uneven surface andyet still fi nd a stable footing.The half-set diamond confi guration should only be usedwhen a flat floor fi nish is not required.FULL-SET OF DIAMONDSWhen the diamonds are set-up as a full-set, they tendnot to follow the surface of the floor. If the floor has undu-lations, the machine will grind the high areas yet missthe low spots (unless the high areas are ground downfirst).The full-set diamond confi guration should be used whena flat floor fi nish is desired.The below table gives some examples of possible ap-plications for the two arrangements:Application Full set is best Half set is bestCeramic tile adhesive removal XCarpet glue removal XEpoxy paint removal XVinyl adhesive removal XRain damaged concrete XSmoothen exposed aggregate XLippage removal in terrazzo/stone tiles XSurface polishing of concrete floors XGrinding to expose aggregate in concrete polishing application XRemove lippage from terrazzo/natural stone tiles XFlatten undulations in concrete floors XRe-polish fl oors that have been ground before XDiamond selection