-23-Wire Brush (Wheelsand Cups)Wire brushes are intended to “clean”structural steel, castings, sheet metal,stone, and concrete. They are used toremove rust, scale, and paint.1. Allow the tool to reach full speed beforetouching the tool to the work surface.2. Apply minimum pressure to the worksurface, allowing the tool to operate athigh speed.3. Continuously move the tool at a moderatespeed to avoid creating gouges in thework surface.4. Remove the tool from work surfacebefore turning tool off. Allow the tool tostop rotating before laying it down.Tip: The tips of the brush do the work.Operate wire brushes with the lightestpressure so only the tips of the wire comein contact with the work piece. If heavierpressures are used, the wires will beoverstressed, resulting in a wiping actionand a shortened brush life due to wirefatigue. Applying the side or edge of thebrush to the work piece will result in wirebreakage and shortened brush life. (Fig. 22)CORRECT:Wire tips doingthe work.INCORRECT:Excessivepressure cancause wirebreakage.WIRE CUP BRUSHCORRECT:Wire tips doingthe work.WIRE WHEEL BRUSHINCORRECT:Excessivepressure cancause wirebreakage.FIG. 22Operating InstructionsServicePreventive maintenanceperformed byunauthorized per so nnel may result inmisplacing of internal wires andcomponents which could cause serioushazard. We recommend that all tool servicebe performed by a Husqvarna FactoryService Center or Autho rized HusqvarnaService Station.GFCI and personal protection devices likeelectrician’s rubber gloves and footwear willfurther enhance your personal safety.Tool LubricationYour Husqvarna tool has been properlylubricated and is ready to use. It isrecommended that tools with gears beregreased with a special gear lubricant atevery brush change.MaintenanceTo avoid accidents always dis connect the tool from the power supplybefore cleaning or performing any main tenance.