approved if the robotic lawnmower needs two ormore attempts to dock with the charging station.Normal causes as to why the robotic lawnmower cannotfollow the wire are that obstacles close to the wire havenot been isolated or that the guide wire has not beenlaid at an angle on a steep slope. Check that thecharging station, the boundary wire and the guide wireare installed in accordance with the instructions inBestcharging station location on page 12, inPlan where tolay the boundary wire on page 15 and inLaying andconnecting the guide wire on page 20.UsingTest function, the robotic lawnmower travels themaximum distance from the wire defined by the selectedcorridor width. Boundary > More > ResetThe specific settings for each method,Boundary can bereset to factory settings.1. To reset, select the method using the left and rightarrow keys followed by OK.2. SelectMore, thenReset and press OK. Charging station rangeThere may be reasons to reduce the range of thecharging station in rare cases. It may be necessary if forinstance the charging station is placed close to a bushor wall which prevents the robotic lawnmower fromdocking with the charging station despite making contactwith the charging station’s signals. In these cases, it isnormally better to move the charging station, but if this isnot possible, the range of the charging station can bereduced. The charging station range has three differentintervals:Max,Mid,Min. The factory setting isMax.Note: The charging station’s range must only bereduced in exceptional cases. It is normally better tomove the charging station to a better place in theworking area.3.17.5 AdvancedUnder theAdvanced heading, there are more settingsrelating to the behaviour of the robotic lawnmower. Thesettings in this menu are only required if additionalcontrol of the lawnmower is needed e.g. in complexgardens. The factory settings are selected in a way thatshould suit most working areas.Advanced Corridor widthExit anglesReversing distanceDrive past wire3.17.5.1 Corridor widthThe corridor width is a measure of how far from theguide wire/boundary wire the robotic lawnmower isallowed to travel when it follows this to and from thecharging station. The area beside the wire which therobotic lawnmower then uses is called the Corridor.The aim of operating at varying distances from the wireis to reduce the risk of tracks forming. Therefore it isrecommended to select the widest corridor possibleallowed by the size of the working area.The robotic lawnmower adjusts the corridor widthaccording to the size of the working area when followingalong a guide wire. The inbuilt automatic mechanismallows the robotic lawnmower to vary the distance fromthe wire depending on where in the working area it islocated. It automatically makes the corridor narrower innarrow passages for instance.The factory settings can be used for many workingareas, i.e. the robotic lawnmower itself can use theinbuilt functions to operate in the widest possiblecorridor. In more complex gardens e.g. where the guidewire is placed close to obstacles which cannot be447 - 001 - Installation - 31