When the weather timer is activated, it is very importantto regularly check that the blade disc is clean and thatthe blades are in good condition. Any grass twistedaround the blade disc shaft or blunt blades can affecthow the weather timer functions.3.16.1 To activate the weather timerCheck the box by pressing OK to activate the weathertimer.3.16.2 Cutting timeIf the mowing results are not optimal when using theWeather timer,Cutting time settings may needadjusting.The longer cutting time that is chosen, the longer therobotic lawnmower will be allowed to work.Cutting time LowMediumHigh3.16.2.1 To adjust the cutting time1. Place the cursor byCutting time and press OK.2. Use the right and left arrow keys to increase ordecrease the cutting time in 3 preset intervals.3.17 InstallationFor many working areas there is no need to change thefactory settings but sometimes, depending on the lawncomplexity, the mowing result can be improved bymaking manual settings.INSTALLATIONFind charging stationAdvancedLawn coverage3.17.1 Lawn coverageThis menu function is used to steer the roboticlawnmower to remote parts of a working area. Thisimportant function is used to maintain an even mowingresult in the entire working area. In very complex yardswith for instance many areas which are joined by narrowpassages, the mowing result can be improved bymaking a number of manual settings as describedbelow.It is also possible to test exit settings and to identify thedistance from the charging station to a remote area.The factory settings for Automower 420 and Automower440 let the robotic lawnmower follow the guide wire 300m / 984 ft. in 20% of the times it leaves the chargingstation. If the guide wire in reality is less than 300 m /984 ft. the robotic lawnmower will follow it to the pointwhere the guide wire is connected to the boundary wire.There is no need to set Lawn coverage manually forAutomower 430X and Automower 450X. They use abuilt-in GPS to check which areas have been mowedand thereby which areas need to be mowed next.Automower 430X and Automower 450X will this wayautomatically get to parts of the working area that arehard to reach.Note: No manual settings need to be made if GPSassisted navigation is used.3.17.2 GPS assisted navigationGPS assisted navigation is applicable for Automower430X and Automower 450X only. It uses a built-in GPSto check which areas have been mowed and therebywhich areas need to be mowed next. After a number ofdays operating, the robotic lawnmower creates a map ofthe working area. Automower 430X and Automower450X automatically set distance and proportion for hardto reach parts of the working area.Note: If the same robotic lawnmower is used for two ormore charging stations that are close together(neighbors for instance), the GPS assisted navigationcan only be used in one of the working areas. Otherwisethe digital map can be misleading and the roboticlawnmower's lawn coverage can therefore be reduced. Deactivate GPS assisted navigation(Automower 430X and Automower 450X)You must deactivate GPS assisted navigation if youwant to use manual settings. When you deactivate GPSassisted navigation the GPS map is automatically reset.Use the arrow keys to mark the area for manual settingsand press OK.3.17.3 Area 1-5Up to 5 (3 for Automower 420) remote areas can be set.A number of unique selections are required to allow therobotic lawnmower to reach the remote area.Note: When GPS assisted navigation is activated thiswill be used as long as there is a GPS service - even ifmanual settings have been made. Only when GPSservice is not available the manual settings will be used. Area 1-5 > How?Specify to the right, left or Guide depending on whichdirection the robotic lawnmower should go. The direction(right or left) is counted as that seen facing the chargingstation.28 - Installation 447 - 001 -