Note: If you change the distance forDrive Past Wire,the distance will change along the boundary wire in allparts of the work area.4.5 AccessoriesInAccessories you can change the settings of theproduct accessories.4.5.1 HeadlightsHeadlights is only available for Automower® 430X/450XNERA.There are 4 different headlight settings that control whenthe headlights are on:•Always on•Evening only (19:00-00:00)•Evening and night (19:00-07:00)•Always offThe default setting isAlways on. The headlights can beset to flash if there is an error.4.5.2 To avoid collisions with theAutomower® houseWhen this option is enabled, the wear on the productand the Automower® house is reduced, but it can resultin more uncut grass around the charging station.4.6 GeneralIn theGeneral menu you can set the time and date, orreset to factory settings.This menu is only available when your mobile device isconnected to the product with Bluetooth®.4.6.1 Time & dateThe time and date can be changed manually, or byusing the time and date from the mobile device.4.6.2 Reset to factory settingsThe user settings can be reset to factory settings.Note:PIN code, Loop signal, Messages andDate &Time will not be reset.4.7 SecurityThe security settings controls the PIN code, theGeoFence and other security functions. The correct PIN-code must be entered to get access to theSecuritymenu.This menu is only available when your mobile device isconnected to the product with Bluetooth®.4.7.1 New loop signalThe loop signal is randomly selected to create a uniquelink between the product and the charging station. Inrare cases, there may be a need to generate a newsignal, for instance if 2 adjacent installations have a verysimilar signal.4.7.2 Change PIN codeYou can change the PIN code. Make a note of the newPIN code in Memo. Refer toIntroduction on page Theft protectionIn theTheft protection menu it is possible to set thealarm duration and also what events should trigger thealarm. The factory setting is to require PIN code and thealarm duration is 1 min. Require PIN codeThis function means that the product cannot be operatedor controlled after the STOP button has been pushedwithout first entering the correct PIN code. If theincorrect PIN code is entered 5 times, the product islocked for a time. The lock is extended for each newincorrect try. Alarm durationThere is a possibility to set how long the alarm signalshould last. A setting between 1 and 10 minutes ispossible. STOP button pressedIf the alarm"STOP button pressed" is enabled, thealarm goes off if someone presses the STOP button andthe PIN code is not entered within 30 seconds. Carried awayIf the alarmCarried away is enabled, the product sensesunexpected motions, and the alarm goes off.4.7.4 GeoFenceGeoFence is a GPS-based theft protection that makesa virtual fence for the product. If the product is morethan a set distance away from the center position theproduct will be disabled and an alarm will start. Thecenter position sets to the current position of the productwhen GeoFence is enabled. The PIN code is necessary2071 - 001 - 29.03.2023 Settings - 23