84 – EnglishOperationThe carburettor operates differently in thefollowing modes:• Cold start• Idling• Part throttle• Full throttleD E F GH GH F GE F GIn the idling mode (H) the throttle valve isclosed. Air is sucked in through anaperture in the throttle valve and a smallamount of fuel is supplied through thediffuser jet (G).In the part throttle mode the throttle valve(H) is partially open. Fuel is suppliedthrough the diffuser jets (F and G).In the full throttle mode both valves areopen and fuel is supplied through all threediffuser jets (E, F and G).CARBURETTORIn the cold start mode the choke valve (D)is fully closed. This increases the vacuumin the carburettor and fuel is easier to suckfrom all the diffuser jets (E, F and G). Thethrottle valve (H) is partly open.