52 – EnglishThrottle lockRemove the tank unit from the engineassembly. See page 103.! WARNING!The fuel used in the chain sawposes the following hazards:1. The liquid and its vapoursare poisonous.2. Can cause skin irritation.3. Is highly inflammable.Dismantle the throttle lock pin (A)using a punch.DismantlingASAFETY EQUIPMENTTurn the throttle lock asshown in the figure, and liftit out with the spring fromthe cut-out in the handle.Saw 394Slide the throttle lock andremove it forwards asshown in the figure.Saws 61, 268, 268K,272XP, 272K, 272S,281XP, 288XP and394.Saws 61, 268, 272XP, 272K,272S, 281XP and 288XP.Continues on next page.Carefully prise up the lockfrom the slot and remove.Saws 36, 41, 42, 55,242XP, 246, 51,254XP, 257 and262XP.Other saws.Saws 40, 45.See continuation on next page.Saw 3120.See continuation on nextpage.