– 63 –Trouble Conditions (cont’d)• A display of "Phone Line Cut" accompanied by rapid beeping at theKeypad indicates that a failure has occurred in the telephone line. CALLFOR SERVICE IMMEDIATELY.• A display of "SYSTEM LO BAT", accompanied by a once per minute"beeping" at the Keypad indicates that a low system battery conditionexists. CALL FOR SERVICE IMMEDIATELY.• A display of "LO BAT" and a zone descriptor, accompanied by a once perminute "beeping" at the Keypad indicates that a low battery conditionexists in the wireless transmitter displayed. CALL FOR SERVICEIMMEDIATELY.• A display of "MODEM COMM" indicates that the control is on-line withthe central station's remote computer. The control will not operate whileon-line.Power FailureIf the POWER indicator is off, operating power for the system has stoppedand is inoperative. CALL FOR SERVICE IMMEDIATELY. If the POWERindicator is on, but the message "AC LOSS" is displayed, the Keypad isoperating on battery power only. If only some lights are out on the premises,check circuit breakers and fuses and reset or replace as necessary. CALLFOR SERVICE IMMEDIATELY if AC power cannot be restored.SERVICING INFORMATIONYour local Honeywell dealer is the person best qualified to service your alarmsystem. Arranging some kind of regular service program with him isadvisable.Your local Honeywell dealer is:Name:Address:Phone: