– 19 –Security Codes and Authority Levels (cont’d)MULTI-ACCESS ?0 = NO , 1 = YESIf you as a user have access to other partitions, thekeypad will prompt for ability of this new user toaccess (GOTO) those partitions. Press 0 (NO) or 1(YES). If no, the system activates this user code andexits “Add a User” mode. If yes, the keypad promptsfor the Global Arm option for this user.GLOBAL ARM ?0 = NO , 1 = YESPress 1 (YES) if this user will be allowed to try toarm more than one partition at the same time.Press 0 if this user will arm only his assignedpartition.PART.2 - SHOP?0 = NO , 1 = YESThe keypad now prompts for the user’s access to thenext partition (see GOTO command). Again press 0or 1. If yes, the system will automatically assign auser number for use in that partition and willprompt for authority level and global arm optionsfor this user within the partition (see previoussteps).PART. 1 A0* WHSEUSER 003 AUTH=3G.When all partitions have been displayed, thekeypad will scroll through the partition(s) to whichaccess has been assigned, and will display the usernumber, authority level and global arm option foreach. The “G” after the authority level indicatesthat the global arm feature is active for this user inthe displayed partition. The "*" indicates thepartition from which this user can be changed ordeleted. The "." at the end of the second lineindicates that this user sends open/close reports.Open/close reporting is automatically active for anyusers added by you, if you have open/close reportingactive.