– 12 –Functions of the Keypad (cont’d)ALPHA DISPLAY WINDOW: A 2-line,32-character Liquid Crystal Display (LCD)that displays protection point identificationand system status, messages, and userinstructions.Disarms the burglary portion ofthe system, silences alarms andaudible trouble indicators, and clearsvisual alarm trouble after the problem hasbeen corrected.2 AWAY : Completely arms bothperimeter and interior burglary protectionby sensing an intruder's movementsthrough protected interior areas as well asguarding protected doors, windows, etc.Late arrivals can enter through an entrydelay zone without causing an alarm if thesystem is disarmed before the entry delaytime expires.3 STAY : Arms the perimeter burglaryprotection, guarding protected doors,windows and other perimeter protectionpoints, and sounds an alarm if one isopened. Also allows automatic bypassing ofcertain areas which permits movementwithin your house without causing analarm. Late arrivals can enter through anentry delay zone without causing an alarmif the system is disarmed before the entrydelay time expires. See ARMINGPERIMETER ONLY for a full explanationof the STAY key.4 MAXIMUM : Arms in manner similarto AWAY mode, but eliminates the entrydelay period, thus providing maximumprotection. An alarm will occurimmediately upon opening any protectionpoint, including entry delay zones.5 TEST : Tests the system and alarmsounder if disarmed.6 BYPASS : Removes individualprotection zones from being monitored bythe system. Displays previously bypassedprotection zones.7 INSTANT : Arms in manner similarto STAY mode, but turns off the entrydelay period, offering greater securitywhile inside and not expecting any latearrivals. An alarm will occur immediatelyupon opening any perimeter protectionpoint, including entry delay zones.8 CODE : Allows the entry of additionaluser codes that can be given to other usersof the system.1 OFF