INSTALLATIONINSTRUCTIONSRS-232 Interface /Serial Printer PortK1148-X 4/981 2 3 4 5 6 7 8Figure 1: ConnectorRJ-45Female DB-9 Back view2 13456789Pin DCE DTE1 DCD DCD2 RXD TXD3 TXD RXD4 DSR DTR5 GND GND6 DTR DSR7 RTS CTS8 CTS RTSFigure 3: Signal Lines: Interface RJ-45 connectorBl R G O Bk Y Gy/Wh BrFigure 2: Signal Lines (Female DB-9 Front view)Pin DCE DTEPin DCE DTE1 DCD DCD2 RXD TXD3 TXD RXD4 DSR DTR5 GND GND6 DTR DSR7 RTS CTS8 CTS RTSWire colors from RJ-45Install crimp pins in matchingDB-9 locations as shown onthe left.21 3 4 56 7 8 9 NOTE: Location 9 on DB-9 is empty.The hardware in this package provides an RS-232 interface to a Destiny control panel (model Des-tiny 6100, software version 8.04 or later). The interface can be used to provide 2-way communica-tion with a personal computer, Remote System Mode with an RS-232 equipped controller, or to senda real-time log of system events to a serial printer.NOTE: Observe the drawingand the connector used andverify the color codes areequivalent.Serial Printers:If your serial printer requires amale 9 or 25 pin connector, youcan get a gender changer at anelectronics store. Destiny 6100panel software supports onlyGND, TXD, and RXD controllines. Some printers requireadditional control lines. Youmay need to jumper these controllines in order to use such print-ers. Consult your printer manualfor further information.Signal Lines:Figure 2 shows the configurationof signal lines in the RJ-45/DB-9converter when wired as shownin Figure 1. Pin 1 for the RJ-45connector (J4) is closest to thetop of the board. Figure 3 showsthe signal lines used in a custominstallation with a DB-9 connec-tor at J1 on the RS-232 board.The signal lines listed on the RS-232 Board pertain to this custominstallation, not to the standardRJ-45.Downloaded from -