SETTING SCHEDULES(Installer Code + [#] + [6] [4])The system provides schedules, which can be used to automatically control 11 types of system events at pre-defined times.Some events are reserved for the installer only.VISTA-20P: Provides up to 32 schedules: 16 schedules for use by the end-user, 16 for use by the installer.VISTA-15P: Provides up to 8 schedules: 4 schedules for use by the end user, 4 for use by the installer.NOTES:• The master code can only access schedules 01-16 (VISTA-15P = 01-04) and events 00-07.• System clock must be set before schedules can take effect.• Programmed schedules do not take effect until the next scheduled “start” time. (e.g., if programming a schedule time windowfor 8AM to 5PM, the schedule does not take effect until 8AM after the schedule has been programmed.)Schedule ModeE N T E R S C H E D N O .0 0 = Q U I T 0 0Schedule NumberVISTA-20P01-16 = end-user schedules17-32 = installer-onlyVISTA-15P01-04 = end-user schedules05-08- = installer-only[∗] to continueEnter the desired schedule number.To Quit, enter 00.E N T E R E V E N T Enter Event00 = clear event01 = Relay On/Off02 = User Access03 = Latch Key Report toPager04 = Forced Stay Arming †05 = Forced Away Arming †06 = Auto Disarm07 = Display “Reminder”10 = Display custom words ††11 = Periodic Test Report†††Press [∗] to continue.Enter the desired event number for event you want to occur at aspecified time.Events 10-11 are reserved for the installer only.Latch key report (option 03) is sent to all pagers in the user’spartition and is active only when the system is armed (messagesent is 777-7777). User must be enabled for paging (see UserAttributes inSystem Operation section).† Forced bypass is automatically enabled regardless of settingin field *23.†† If selected, system displays custom words 8, 9, and 10 atdefined time. Can be used as installer’s reminder message tothe end user.††† See key commands in Test Report Code data field *64section to quickly set periodic test reporting intervals.NOTE: Events 07 and 10 cause the keypad to beep every 30 secondswhen messages are displayed. Stop the beeps by pressing any key.D E V I C E N U M B E RXXDevice NumberV20P:01-18 = device numberV15P: 01-08, 17, 18Press [∗] to continue.(For event 01-relay on/off)Enter the physical device number as programmed in ∗79 MenuMode, then press [*] to continue to the “Start” prompt.Device numbers 17 and 18 designate built-in triggers 1 and 2respectively.G R O U P N U M B E RXGroup Number1-8 = group numberPress [∗] to continue to the“Start” prompt.(For event 02-user access)P A R T I T I O NXPartition0 = all partitions1 = partition 12 = partition 23 = commonPress [*] to continue to the“Start” prompt.(V20P only; for events 03-07, 10)S T A R T S M T W T F SH H M M A M 0 0 1 0 0 0 0Start Time01-12 = hour00-59 = minute0 = AM; 1 = PMDays = place “1” under daysPress [∗] to continue.Enter the event’s start time and days of the week to occur.To select days, position the cursor under the desired days usingthe [∗] key to move forward, then press “1” to select the day.S T O P S M T W T F SH H M M A M 0 0 1 0 0 0 0Stop Time01-12 = hour00-59 = minute0 = AM; 1 = PMDays = place “1” under daysPress [∗] to continue.(For events 01-relay on/off; 02-user access; 03-latch key report)Enter the event’s stop time and days of the week to occur.To select days, position the cursor under the desired days usingthe [∗] key to move forward, then press “1” to select the day.– 32 –