Operating Manual HARTRIDGE LIMITED22 HL030(EN), Issue 1, June 2005Go through the test steps in the order shown (steps 1 and 2 are for preparation and warm up, steps 3to 6 are the main tests). After changing the test conditions, allow a minute or so for the system tostabilise before taking results.NOTE: For the most accurate metering results, use Calibrate mode.4.3.6 End of TestIf you have been saving results, then at the end of the test press F4 [Stop Test]. This opens thedialog below (the same as the Start Test dialog with additional fields for the filename and comments).Complete the information required and select either [Save] or [Save and Print] (to get a printout at thesame time).Figure 4.6: Stop Test Dialog4.4 Interpretation of ResultsThe best way to use the HK900 kit is as a comparator against new injectors. The demand settings inthe example testplans supplied should give delivery results for the majority of injectors however theremay be some test conditions that do not (particularly the idle speed step). We recommend that thesetestplans are used as a base to create specific testplans for individual injector part numbers (seeSection 4.5).With experience you will build up knowledge of injector operation and possible faults. The followinggeneral guidelines apply if you are testing a set of 4 unknown injectors:4.4.1 Response TimeThe faster the response time the better. Any injector whose response time is more than 100s longerthan the others is likely to cause engine problems.NOTE: During the metering cycle the backpressure in the delivery line will fluctuate slightly causingthe response time results to fluctuate by up to 10s. To view results under the most stableconditions, switch off delivery metering.THIS IS AN UNCONTROLLED DOCUMENT downloaded by Lukas Matuska on 16 Feb 2016Any technical intervention requires certified Hartridge training. Contact Hartridge Ltd for details.