HARTRIDGE LIMITED Operating ManualHL030(EN), Issue 1, June 2005 21(where one pipe is used for the different injector lengths) the rail height should be adjustedas required.NOTE: Backleak pipe assembly NTA5003 is supplied which links all the outlets together forconnection to the ‘tank return’ connection on the AVM2 bulkhead. If you have kit HK901,then additional pipes and instructions will be supplied.You are now ready to run the injectors.4.3.5 Run the Test StepsIf you want to save the test results you must put the software into “testing” mode. To do this press F4[Start Test]. This opens the dialog below where you can enter your name, a customer reference, andthe injector serial numbers.NOTE: You can leave these fields blank and enter this information at the end of the test if moreconvenient (see 4.3.6).Figure 4.5: Start Test DialogPressing [OK] then puts the software into “testing” mode; on the main screen F4 changes to [StopTest] and F5 to [Save Results]. Then during the test, press F5 whenever you want to save results.NOTE: Only one set of results is saved per test step (the last set if F5 has been pressed more thanonce during a step).The example testplans will typically follow the following format:1 Leak Check A startup condition at low speed and low pressure so that youcan visually check for leaks before going on to higher pressures.2 Purge A higher speed and higher pressure condition; run for a couple ofminutes to purge any air from the system (wait for stabledeliveries to register before continuing), and while waiting for thesystem to reach temperature.3 Idle Speed Sets the injector demands at typical idle speed settings.4 Mid Load Sets the injector demands at typical mid load settings.5 Full Load Sets the injector demands at typical full load settings.6 Static Backleak Sets high pressure and switches the injectors off to measure theinherent backleak through the injectors.THIS IS AN UNCONTROLLED DOCUMENT downloaded by Lukas Matuska on 16 Feb 2016Any technical intervention requires certified Hartridge training. Contact Hartridge Ltd for details.