HARBOR POINT WALL SPLIT DUCTLESS SYSTEMSINDOOR UNIT INSTALLATIONInstall unit on mounting bracketFeed the line set stubs/condensate hose/wiring connections through a ø 3” hole inthe wall.Position the evaporator so that the “key”slots on the back of the unit slide onto thetabs on top of the mounting bracket. Thenpush the lower portion of the evaporatoragainst the bracket until it latches into themounting bracket.18,000 Btuh shownthrough the wall penetration, also checkthat the wall is plumb. The unit must belevel and plumb for proper condensateremoval.Indoor unit is now installed, it should beplumb, level and flush with the wall. In-sure that the line set stubs are completelyOUTDOOR UNIT INSTALLATIONLocate Outdoor unitSelect a location with proper ventilation,minimizing recirculation possibility. Do notinstall the outdoor unit in a location ex-posed to high winds (field fabricated andinstalled wind baffle may be required).Ensure location does not impede accessaround unit and pose a disturbance toneighboring areas.Install the outdoor unit on a condenserservice pad. If unit is a heat pump ex-tend feet to raise 6” to allow for defrostto drain away.Clearances for the Outdoor unit:Front Condenser Fan912” MinimumServiceRear ValvesOutdoor Unit12” Minimum 12” MinimumAirflowNote: Consult factory if 48” Minimumminimum clearances can’tbe maintained.