HARBOR POINT WALL SPLIT DUCTLESS SYSTEMSINDOOR UNIT INSTALLATIONPrepare unit line set connectionsRotate refrigerant line stubs gently to 90°(if mounting on an outside wall). For oth-er line set configurations align the stubsas required.Feed the 14 AWG interconnect wiringbetween indoor and outdoor throughthe unit electrical connection (maxi-mum number of 6 wires is required) (ifrequired by local codes an electricalconnector can be attached to the rearof the unit). Tape the loose wire to theline set stubs. (See Electrical Wiring In-stall section.) These two tips save timeand prevent damage to the stubs whenmounting the indoor unit.Tip: Use Duct tape to tape the Con-densate hose (make sure it is belowthe Line set stubs) and the defrostsensor (heat pump only). This makesit easier to guide them through thehole in the wall.HEAT PUMP SYSTEMSVery Important! Make sure the de-frost sensor wire is run and connectedbetween the indoor and outdoor units,or the heat pump system will not oper-ate in heat mode. Refer to “Heat PumpWiring” section of this manual.duct tape8