(30) Haojue HJ110-5 99011H53150H000 V01 EN 2016-5-27of parts if necessary.REGULAR LUBRICATION TABLEInterval Every 6000km Every 12,000kmItems or 6 months or 12 months*Front brake cable(drum brake type)Engine oil -*Throttle cable Engine oil -*Throttle controlhandle- Grease*Speedometerflexible shaft- Grease*Speedometergear box- GreaseDrive chain Lubricated with engine oil every1000kmBrake pedal axle Grease orengine oil-*Kick lever axle Grease orengine oil-*Brake cam shaft - Grease*Steering Grease every 2 years or20,000km*Rear swing armbearing and bushGrease every 2 years or20,000kmNOTE: The items marked with a “*” in the chart should behandled only by an authorized dealer, whereas “-” doesnot contain such requirements.BATTERYBWARNINGBattery posts, terminals, and related accessoriescontain lead and lead compounds. Lead is harmfulto your health if it gets into your blood stream.Wash hands after handling any parts containinglead.Battery removalThe battery is located below the storage box which isunder the saddle and is a fully-sealed battery, so that thebattery does not need to add electrolyte. If the batteryis to be mounted/dismounted, operate according to thefollowing procedures:1. Confirm the ignition switch is not at the “*” position,and then unlock the saddle lock and lift the saddle,remove the screw 1 and the battery box cap 2.2. Disconnect the negative “-” terminal first and thendisconnect the positive “+” terminal.3. Remove the battery.(30) Haojue HJ110-5 99011H53150H000 V01 EN 2016-5-2729