(28) Haojue HJ110-5 99011H53150H000 V01 EN 2016-5-27INSPECTION AND MAINTENANCEMAINTENANCE SCHEDULEThe chart indicates intervals between periodic services inkilometers and months. At the end of each interval, besure to inspect, check, lubricate and service as instructed.If your motorcycle is used under high stress conditionssuch as continuous full throttle operation, or is operatedin a dusty climate, certain services should be performedmore often to ensure reliability of the motorcycle, asexplained in the maintenance section. Your Haojuedealer can provide you with further guidelines. Steeringcomponents, suspensions and wheel components are keyitems and require very special and careful servicing. Formaximum safety, we suggest that you have these itemsinspected and serviced by your authorized Haojue dealeror a qualified service mechanicBWARNINGImproper maintenance or fail to performrecommended maintenance can lead to anaccident.Ask your Haojue dealer or a qualified mechanic todo the maintenance items marked with an asterisk“*”. You may perform the unmarked maintenanceitems by referring to the instructions in thissection, if you have mechanical experience. If youare not sure how to do any of the jobs, have yourHaojue dealer to do the maintenance.BWARNINGExhaust gas contains carbon monoxide, adangerous gas that is difficult to defect becauseit is colorless and odorless. Breathing carbonmonoxide can cause death or severe injury.Never start the engine or let it run indoors or wherethere is little or no ventilation.BCAUTIONPoorly-made replacement parts can cause yourmotorcycle to wear more quickly and may shortenits useful life.When replacing parts on your motorcycle, useonly genuine Haojue replacement parts or theirequivalent.NOTE: Please properly handle wastes (such asdetergents and waste engine oil) generated duringmaintenance to avoid environmental pollution.(28) Haojue HJ110-5 99011H53150H000 V01 EN 2016-5-2727