Operational Guide27Basic vsStandardpH modeFor optimum pH measurements, follow these steps:1. Understand the benefits and features of Standard and Basic Operation.2. Set up edge™ meter by configuring preferences.3. Calibration4. MeasurementThe “Standard” pH operation includes up to a 5-point buffer calibration, useof custom buffers, choice of displaying 0.001 pH resolution, use of the fulldiagnostic features of Calibration Check™ (that includes buffers used, probecondition, response time and messages indicating a contaminated bufferor pH sensor requiring maintenance during calibration). Additional SensorCheck™ indicators are available if using HI 11311 or HI 12301 pH electrodes.These include a continuous diagnostic to detect if the electrode is brokenor the reference junction has been compromised by sample contaminationor fouling. The Standard pH operation also includes full logging capabilityincluding Interval, Manual log on demand and Manual log on stability.“Basic” pH operation provides a simplified SETUP menu; there are no decisionsto make regarding the pH measurement itself. The meter will display 0.01pH resolution and permit a 3-point buffer calibration from the followingpH buffers; 4.01, 6.86, 7.01, 9.18 or 10.01. Calibration Check™ and SensorCheck™ features are limited to messages during calibration. Calibrationreminders are also not available. The GLP will still provide offset, slope,buffers used and a calibration date. The Basic pH operation includes Manuallog on demand and Manual log on stability (medium setting).Note: When changing from Standard to Basic operation in SETUP, previouscalibration data will be cleared. A prompt will force the user to facilitate this.