Setup/Installation12The main operating modes of edge™ are setup, calibration, measurement,data logging, and data export. Follow this general outline of steps to get youstarted in taking measurements. The following topics are expanded upon inthe sections that follow in this manual.1. Familiarize yourself to the design features of this unique meter.2. Decide how the meter will be used and set up the wall or bench cradle ina clean area near line power.3. Turn edge™ on using the ON/OFF button located on the top of the meter.4. Plug in the probe required for measurement.5. SETUP the measurement parameters required for the measurement youwill be making.6. Calibrate the sensor/probe.You are now ready for measurements.Bench Cradle SetupInsert electrode holder arm into thepost on the pivoting base.Connect the probe connector to thesocket located at the bottom of theinstrument.Slide edge™ into the cradle whilepositioning the probe cable behind thecradle. Put the probe/sensor into theelectrode holder and secure cable inclips.Setting Upedge™