Basic Operating InstructionsSelect the TV ChannelYou can use the number keys on the remote control to directly select TVchannels.The LCD-TV can store up to 100 channels , and you can press the keys on theremote control or on the panel to make a selection.1. if you want to choose any channel from 0 to 9, please press the buttonuntil is indicated on the screen and then press the relevant key on theremote control. for example: if you want to choose channel 8, just press theKey number 8.2.If you want to choose a channel bigger than 9, please press the buttonuntil is indicated on the screen. Enter the two digits of the channelnumber you want to watch.. for example: select channel 16Note: if you want to choose one digit channel in this condition, you should press0 first and then one digit number key.-/----/----Picture ModePress button on the remote control for menu display . For desired mode asfollows:PERSONAL STANDARD MILD FRESHP.STDProgram Swap123Suppose the channel number you used is now channel 8 and the channel number youare using is 18 (as shown in the figure).If you want to return to the last watched program channel 8, you can simply press thebutton.If you want to return to channel 18, press the button again. Through this function, youcan easily change between the channel you are using and the channel you used last time.SWAP(Q.VIEW)