To choose sound modesPress the S.STD button to call upAudio mode menu, and pressCH+/- button to select thedesired sound quality. Four kindsof sound models (i.e., MusicPersonal , Standard andHall ) can be selected in turn.,Sound menuSound mode Sound qualityPersonalStandardHallMusicA spare setting that can be adjusted to personal tastesDesigned to reduce the bass and treble whichenhances the voice for news programsEnables extra bass and treble to enhance the movieexperienceNormal sound with moderate bass and treble settingYou can quickly select the desired sound mode fromthree preset modes and one customized mode.Audio ModeMusicStandardHallPersonalSTILLSLEEP PIPTV/AVP.STD S.STDH.L OCKCH.LIST EXITSCANSWAPTIMER ZOOMABC@ DEFJKL%GHI$ MNOSTUVPOR& WXYZ*#()MUTEDISPLAYCH+CH-VOL- VOL+MENUTo balance right and left sound of the television.The intermediate value is 0. When indication value of Balanceincreases toward+50, sound of the right and left speakerbecomes stronger and weaker, respectively. When indicationvalue of Balance decreases toward -50, sound of the right andleft speaker becomes weaker and stronger.BalanceMENUAUDIOADJUSTTUNINGFUNCTIONTIMERPICTUREVolumeBalanceAudio ModeFive EqualizerSurroundAuto VolumeWooferMusic0000Off1 Press MENU button andthen CH+/- button to selectAUDIO menu.2 Press VOL+ to enter thesubmenu. Press CH+/- buttonto select Balance item. PressVOL+/- to adjust the desiredlevel.3 Press MENU returnto the picture menu.PDF 文件使用 "pdfFactory Pro" 试用版本创建