SERVICE MANUALModel: HB21FSSAA, HB21FG*24Issue 2010-12Rev. Ref1012S008V0(L) will be off and the locked status is exited.Caution: In locked status, the functional controls of refrigerating temperature, freezing temperature,Holiday, Fuzzy, Super Cooling and Super Freezing are not available.4-7. Freezing temperature settingIn the unlocked status, press Freezing Temperature Control Button (C), the original freezingchamber setting temperature start to blink. Enter freezing chamber temperature setting status,since then for each single press of this button, the freezing chamber setting temperature isdisplayed in cyclic form by -14℃, -15℃, -16℃, -17℃, -18℃, -19℃, -20℃, -21℃, -22℃, if nobutton-pressing operation is initialed over 5 seconds, the blinking will stop and confirm the currenttemperature setting value.4-8. Fridge temperature settingIn the unlocked status, press Fridge Temperature Control Button (D), the original freezingchamber setting temperature start to blink. Enter fridge chamber temperature setting status, sincethen for each single press of this button, the fridge chamber setting temperature is displayed incyclic form by 09℃, 08℃, 07℃, 06℃, 05℃, 04℃, 03℃, 02℃, 01℃, if no button-pressingoperation is initialed over 5 seconds, the blinking will stop and confirm the current temperaturesetting value.4-9. Open-door alarm functionWhen any door is left open for more than 60 seconds or not closed tightly, the refrigerator will soundalarm buzzer at an interval 30 seconds to remind user to close the door.4-10. Energy-saving display control function30 seconds after button-pressing operation, display screen backlight and button light will be offautomatically, this is in order to save power consumption. When pressing any key or opening anydoor, it will resume display screen backlight. The corresponding press-button light will activate frombutton-pressing operation