Send output signal with sample cycle (special output)The special output option sends a 12 VDC signal through pin E of the auxiliary connector during orafter a sample cycle.There are five possible configurations:• After cycle—4-second pulse at the end of each sample cycle. This option is used to signal anexternal device that a sample cycle is complete.• Entire cycle—during the entire sample cycle, includes all purge and rinse cycles.• During sample—during the sample intake portion of the cycle only, ignores all purges and rinsecycles.• Missed sample—4-second pulse in the event of a missed sample. A missed sample can becaused by a distributor error, purge fail, rinse fail, sample timeout, full bottle or pump fault.• Trouble output—4-second pulse when a low main battery or low memory battery error occurs.Two configurations are necessary to transfer sample history to an external flow meter:• First, the program complete output needs to be disabled to enable the bottle number output. Thebottle number output transmits whether the sample was taken successfully or not and which bottlereceived the sample.• Second, the special output needs to be enabled and configured to assert "After Each Sample".The sample history will be transferred to the external Sigma 950.1. Select PROGRAM SETUP>MODIFY SELECTED>ADV SAMPLING from the main menu.2. Select SPECIAL OUTPUT>ENABLE.3. Select one of the output options:• AFTER CYCLE—at the completion of each sample cycle• ENTIRE CYCLE—during the entire sample cycle• DURING SAMPLE—during the sample intake• MISSED SAMPLE—in the event of a missed sample• TROUBLE OUTPUT—when a low main battery or low memory battery error occursOperate from an external signal (setpoint sample)The setpoint sample option starts and stops the sampler after a signal is received from an externaldevice such as a flow meter. The current program status shows when the sample program isinhibited by an external device.Note: Setpoint and stormwater sampling cannot be enabled at the same time.1. Select PROGRAM SETUP>MODIFY SELECTED>ADV SAMPLING from the main menu.2. Select SETPT SAMPLE>SETPT TRIGGER>EXT TRIGGER >ENABLE.3. Select SETPT SAMPLE>SETPT CONTROL and select one of the setpoint options:Option DescriptionSTART ON SETPT The sampling program operates until the program is complete.START/STOP The sampling program operates until the external signal is no longer received.4. To use a setpoint delay, enter a delay time in hours and/or minutes. The delay time starts whenthe external signal is received. The program starts when the delay time expires.Use an SDI-12 device for setpoint samplingWhen an SDI-12 device is connected to the controller, the measurements can be used as setpointsampling triggers (in addition to the external inhibit). A maximum of one measurement trigger can beenabled that is independent of the external trigger. If multiple triggers are enabled, the program startsfrom at least one trigger and stops when all triggers are cleared.English 31