• RESUME—Continue the program from where it halted• START OVER—Start the program from the beginning• END PROGRAM—Stop the program• CANCEL—Stay in the halted stateIf RESUME is selected, the display shows a BOTTLES EMPTIED? message. Select YES or NO:• YES—The controller starts to monitor the sample collection again.Note: The controller acts as if the bottles are now empty even if they are not.• NO—The program does not resume sample collection but stays in the HALTED state if the bottlefull condition was detected earlier.Full bottle shutoff and timed bottle modeIn order to use the full bottle shutoff when timed bottle is enabled, the timed bottle run mode must beset to END AFTER LAST.If an attempt is made to run timed bottle in continuous mode, a NOT ALLOWED error screen showsTB CONTINUOUS NOT POSSIBLE WITH FULL BTL.If this error occurs, push ENTER to acknowledge the message. In the TB MODE screen that shows,select END AFTER LAST.If it is necessary to run timed bottle in continuous mode, disable the full bottle shutoff.Full bottle shutoff exception conditionsFull bottle shutoff does not prevent bottles from being over or under filled when certain exceptionconditions occur. Such conditions can occur if:• The liquid sensor is disabled and the manual calibration is incorrect.• The liquid sensor is enabled but does not operate correctly or has bad calibration.• Bottles are emptied but the program is not halted (controller does not know bottles are empty andactivates full bottle shut off too soon).• The program is halted but the user gives incorrect feedback:• Bottles are empty but the user selects NO in the BOTTLES EMPTIED? screen.• Bottles are not empty but the user selects YES in the BOTTLES EMPTIED? screen.Advanced samplingSend output signal at program completionA 12 VDC signal can be sent through pin F of the auxiliary connector at the completion of a samplingprogram or when the full bottle shut-off is activated. The signal stays on for 61 seconds.The output signal can be used to:• Start another sampler. Cascading samplers require a cascading cable (8757300). The slavesampler must enable setpoint sampling and start on an external trigger.• Activate a relay or other device when the program is complete.To transfer the sample history to an external Sigma 950 flow meter, program complete must bedisabled. In addition, the special output must be enabled and configured to assert after the samplecycle is complete.1. Select PROGRAM SETUP>MODIFY SELECTED>ADV SAMPLING from the main menu.2. Select PGM COMPLT O/P>ENABLE. The message “Bottle number output disabled on pin F” willbe shown. The bottle number output to send sample history to a Sigma 950 flow meter will bedisabled.3. Select ENTER to activate the output signal.30 English