5 Setting Up the Boot MechanismSetting up the boot mechanism involves one of the following options: creating a bootable CD orDVD, creating a bootable USB device, or setting up a network boot environment. This chaptershows you how to perform each task at a Linux system.This chapter addresses the following topics:• “Using a Bootable CD or DVD” (page 39)• “Using a USB Flash Device” (page 41)• “Using Network Boot” (page 43)Using a Bootable CD or DVDThis section shows you how to create and use a bootable CD or DVD to launch the SSTK.Creating a Bootable Disk ImageThe SSTK includes the files you need to create a bootable disk image. Creating the disk imageinvolves copying these boot files to a small FAT partition and creating the image (.img) file.The bootable disk image must be a FAT file system to be available at the EFI level. Also, if a bootloader file named bootia64.efi is located in the \efi\boot directory, the HP Integrity serverautomatically executes that boot loader.To create a bootable disk image:1. Create a directory for the bootable image, enter:mkdir ./bootable-image2. Create a blank file with the size needed to store the boot files, enter:dd if=/dev/zero of=./bootable-image/boot.img bs=1024 count=250003. Format this image file with FAT file system, enter:mkfs.msdos ./bootable-image/boot.img4. Create a directory and mount this image file.mkdir ./bootable-image/imagemount ./bootable-image/boot.img./bootable-image/image –o loop5. Create the bootable directory, /efi/boot, enter:mkdir –p ./bootable-image/image/efi/boot6. Copy the following necessary files from boot_file/efi/boot to the ./bootable-image/image/efi/boot directory:bootia64.efielilo.efielilo.conf (boot loader configuration file)rootfs.gz (root file system)linux (kernel)7. If needed, copy additional files to the ./bootable-image/image directory. These filesmight include toolkit files, configuration files, or third-party tools.8. Unmount the image file, enter:umount ./bootable-image/imageThe boot.img file is now a FAT file system containing the bootia64.efi file, which bootsthe Linux OS.Using a Bootable CD or DVD 39