ET User’s Guide 8-7Hardkey/Softkey ReferenceASoftkey in the add limit menu. Displays the menu to add a maximumlimit point.See “Using Limit Testing” on page 4-28 for detailed information onusing limit lines.Access Keys:Softkey in the add limit menu. Displays the menu to add a minimumlimit line.See “Using Limit Testing” on page 4-28 for detailed information onusing limit lines.Access Keys:Softkey in the add limit menu. Displays the menu to add a minimumlimit point.See “Using Limit Testing” on page 4-28 for detailed information onusing limit lines.Access Keys:Softkey in the menu that turns off all of the markers, thedelta marker, and marker tracking on the active measurementchannel.See “Using Limit Testing” on page 4-28 for detailed information onusing markers.Formats the real-time internal clock to display the first three letters ofthe month rather than a number (for example, Mar for March insteadof 03).Access keys:Softkey in the menu. When alternate sweep is toggled ON,the analyzer shows the operation of different instrument states on itstwo displayed measurement channels. The settings of the twomeasurement channels can differ: frequency span, detection optiontype, number of points, system bandwidth, trigger, sweep time. Whenalternate sweep is off, the preceding settings match. Note: somesettings, such as power level, always match.Add Max PointDISPLAY Limit Menu Add LimitAdd Min LineDISPLAY Limit Menu Add LimitAdd Min PointDISPLAY Limit Menu Add LimitAll Off MARKERAlphaSYSTEM OPTIONS System Config Set ClockClock FormatAlt Sweepon OFFSWEEP