Purp ose This test measures the sensitivit y of receiver INPUT 1 from20 Hz{9 kHz.Note Dep ending on the order in which you p erform the op erationveri cation tests, the software may invoke a calibration adjustmentautomatically, b efore running this test. Refer to \ReceiverCalibration INPUT 1 ".To assure test accuracy, you must complete \Receiver CalibrationINPUT 1 " and \Amplitude Accy. INPUT 1 (10 dB AT and0 dB AT) " b efore you p erform this test.Description \Sensitivit y INPUT 1, 20 Hz to 9 kHz " measures thesensitivit y of the EMI receiver system at selected frequency intervalsb etween 20 Hz and 9 kHz. Measurements are made in log mo dewith a 10 Hz resolution bandwidth. During these measurements,receiver INPUT 1 is terminated with a 50 load.Test SettingsSettings for Sensitivity INPUT 1, 20 Hz to 9 kHzFunction SettingsRF FREQ 20 Hz to 9 kHzQPA lter BYPASSRES BW 10 HzVID BW 1 HzRFPS (atten) 0 dBSA (atten) 0 dBScale Log 10 dB3-22 Test Descriptions HP 8572A EMI Receiver User's GuideAll manuals and user guides at all-guides.comall-guides.com