Purp ose This test measures absolute amplitude accuracy throughreceiver INPUT 1 .Note Dep ending on the order in which you p erform the op erationveri cation tests, the software may invoke a calibration adjustmentautomatically, b efore running this test. Refer to \ReceiverCalibration INPUT 1 ".To assure test accuracy, you must complete \Receiver CalibrationINPUT 1 ", \Log Fidelit y", \Linear Fidelit y", and \Reference LevelSwitching Uncertainty" b efore you p erform this test.Description \Amplitude Accy. INPUT 1 (10 dB AT and0 dB AT) " relies on the amplitude accuracy of the HP 3335Asynthesizer/level generator and is measured by injecting a referencep ower from the HP 3335A synthesizer/level generator directlyinto the system. Di erences in the amplitude measured by theEMI receiver system are compared to the amplitude setting of theHP 3335A synthesizer/level generator. The amplitude accuracy ofthe EMI receiver system is the di erence b etween the amplitudesetting of the HP 3335A synthesizer/level generator and theEMI receiver system 's measurement.\Log Fidelit y", \Linear Fidelity", \Reference Level SwitchingUncertainty", and the accuracy of the EMI receiver system's internalcalibration sequence contribute to the amplitude accuracy of theEMI receiver system in any valid setting. These error contributorsare measured in separate tests.Test SettingsAmplitude accuracy is tested at b oth 10 dB and 0 dB sp ectrumanalyzer input attenuation. The settings used during this test are:Settings for Amplitude Accy. INPUT 1 (10 dB AT and0 dB AT)Function Band A Band B Band CRF FREQ 9 kHz to 150 kHz 150 kHz to 30 MHz 30 MHz to 50 MHzQPA lter 200 Hz 9 kHz 120 kHzRES BW 3 kHz 100 kHz 1 MHzRFPS (atten) 0 dB 0 dB 0 dBSA (atten) 10 dB or 0 dB 10 dB or 0 dB 10 dB or 0 dBScale Linear Linear Linear3-18 Test Descriptions HP 8572A EMI Receiver User's GuideAll manuals and user guides at all-guides.com