5-8. YO LOOP ADJUSTMENTS (Cont'd)28. Using the rotary knob on the Spectrum Analyzer, move the marker to the point where the twotraces cross. Observe the marker frequency on the Spectrum Analyzer. The marker (crossoverfrequency) should be between 30 and 40 kHz.29. If the crossover frequency is below 30 kHz, the value of A49R18 on the A49 YO Phase Detectorboard should be decreased in value to increase the crossover frequency. If the crossover fre¬quency is above 40 kHz, the value of A49R18 should be increased to lower the crossover fre¬quency.30. Disconnect all test equipment from the DUT and reinstall the jumper (W1) on the A49 PhaseDetector board.31. Proceed directly to Adjustment 5-9, FM Accuracy and FM Overmod Adjustment. DO NOTREASSEMBLE THE YO LOOP.HP 8340B/41B Adjustments 5-49