HALt Hl[ll OfPNARO J MANUAL CHANGESr- MANUAl IDENTIFICATION_.Model Number:. Date Printed:Part Number:8444AJan 1972.08444-90005This supplement contains important information for correcting manual errors and for adapting the manual toinstruments containing improvements made after the printing of the manuaLTo use this supplement:Make all ERRATA correctionsMake all appropriate serial number related changes indicated in the tables below...----Serial Prefix or Number_,-- Make Manual Changes- r- Serial Prefix or Number-- Make Manual Changes-1208A 11215A .. 1,2~ 1323A 1,2,3~NEW ITEMERRATAPage 8-19, Figure 8-17:Change wire 92 to 934.CHANGE 1Pages 6-3 through 6-5, Tal)le 6-2, change to read as follows:A2R29 0757-0465 R:FXD MET FLM lOOK OHM 1% 1/8W.A2R36 0757-0439 R:FXD MET FLM 6.81K OHM 1% 1/8W.A4A1C2 0160-3456 C:FXD CER 1000 PF 10% 250 VDCW.A7 08444-60019 OSCILLATOR ASSY: 1.55 GHz NOT RECOMMENDED FOR FIELD REPAIR.A7Cl 0160-3827 C:FXD PORC 1 PF 500 VDCW.A7C4 0160-2437 C:FXD CER 5000 PF +80-20% 200 VDCW.A7Rl 0698-7230 R:FXD MET FLM 562 OHM 2% 1/8W.C3 0160-0155 C:FXD MY 0.0033 UF 10% 200 VDCW.R5 0757-0438 R:FXD MET FLM 5.11K OHM 1%1/8 W.NOTEA7C4 is item number 30 on Figure 8-19.Page 8-15, Figure 8-12, Service Sheet 3:Replace with attached figure.Page 8-21, Figure 8-19:Replace with attached figure.NOTEManual change supplements are revised as often as necessary to keep manuals as current and accurate as possible.Hewlett-Packard recommends that you periodically request the latest edition of this supplement. Free copies are availablefrom all HP offices. When requesting copies quote the manual identification information from your supplement, or the modelnumber and print date from the title page of the manual.25 July 19736 PagesPrinted in U.S.A.HEWLETT. PACKARD