8-1. Calibration Constants UtilityDescriptionThis program is not a test, in that it does not verify conformance to a specification. It is a utilityprogram that allows you to manipulate the calibration constants in the instrument or in the data discfile. The calibration constants stored in the instrument can be displayed, printed, transferred onto thedata disc (image file), or compared with the image file on the data disc. The calibration constantsstored on the data disc (image file) can be displayed, printed, transferred to the instrument, or com¬pared with the calibration constants stored in the instrument.Test EquipmentNone required.Procedure1. Select the desired softkey:[COMPARE] compares current instrument cal constants with the image file. Select this key tomeet the requirements for the operation verification.[ReadDUT] reads the DUT's cal constants into the computer's memory.[GetFILE] loads the cal constant image file for the DUT into the computer's memory.[EXIT] returns to the test menu.2. Select from the softkeys above, plus the following:[PRINT] prints the cal constants currently in the computer's memory.[DISPLAY] displays the cal constants currently in memory.[Wrt DUT] writes the cal constants in the computer's memory to the instrument's WORKING CalConstant memory, and stores the cal constants in the instrument's PROTECTED cal constantmemory.[SavFILE] takes the cat constants in the computer's memory and creates a permanent image fileon the data disc.8-2 Tests/Utilities Attenuator Calibration and Operation Verification Test Software