DHCP Plug-inDHCP Plug-in and the NAC 800 User Interface13-11Enabling the Plug-in and Adding ServersTo enable the DHCP plug-in and add the DHCP servers: Home window>>System configuration>>Quarantining1. Select the DHCP radio button in the Quarantine area.2. Select the DHCP servers using the DHCP plug-in radio button (figure 13-2).NOTE: Changes made while one or more DHCP servers cannot be communicatedwith will be sent to those DHCP servers as soon as communication is re-established.3. Select Add a DHCP plug-in configuration. The Add DHCP plug-in configurationwindow appears as shown in the following figure:4. Enter the IP address or host name of the DHCP server where the plug-inis to be installed in the DHCP server hostname or IP address text box.5. Enter the port number on the DHCP server that listens for plug-in requestsin the Plug-in listening port text field.6. Enter a brief description of this DHCP server's purpose in the Serverdescription text field.7. Select a Plug-in logging level, where:• error – Log error-level messages only (least amount of detail)• warning – Log warning-level and above messages only• info – Log debug-level and above messages only• debug – Log everything (most amount of detail)Figure 13-7. Add DHCP Plug-in Configuration