End-user AccessCustomizing Error Messages5-47"checkAntiVirusUpdates.String.1" : "Therequired anti-virus software was not found. Installthe software from this location href='http://myserver.someplace.com/dir/application.exe'>LocationName","name2" : "message2",}NOTE: A “%s” in the description text is a special variable that is interpolated intoextra information (passed from NAC 800) such as lists of missing patches, ormissing software.CAUTION: Normally NAC 800 uses Strings.py. If you create a CustomStrings.py file, makesure that the number of placeholders (%s) for a given entry is equal to theplaceholders for that entry in Strings.py. If CustomStrings.py has a different(smaller) number of placeholders than the entry in Strings.py had, tests willresult in an "unknown error," which can result in endpoints getting quaran-tined when they should not be.NOTE: While editing the description avoid the use of double quotes “”. Use singlequotes instead. Double quotes will get interpreted by the software and cancut the string short or cause the replacement to fail.2. Once your custom strings script is complete, and you are ready to push itout to all of the ESs:a. Verify that the scripts and base classes are under the Custom directorytree as specified above.b. Enter the following on the command line of the NAC 800 MS:installCustomTestsThis command compiles the Python source files, builds an RPM, updates thepolicy groups, and sends these changes to all ESs. PreviousNext |