Signal OutputHP-IL loopback test91ACTUAL SETPOINTPASSED SELF TESTACTUAL SETPOINTFAILED SELF TESTACTUAL SETPOINTHPIL LOOPBACK TESTHPIL LOOPBACK TEST DisplaysFigure 5-12The message PASSED SELF TEST indicates INET, at least with respectto the HP 5890, is performing satisfactorily. If FAILED SELF-TEST isdisplayed, a bad cable may be indicated; install a different INET cableand repeat the test. If FAILED SELF-TEST is displayed again for a secondcable, electronic problems within the HP 5890 are indicated.Note: The loopback test may be used to check for continuity in anINET cable; an open cable causes test failure. Verify that the cable is atfault (rather than the HP 5890) by testing a second cable.If an intermittent cable problem is suspected, the test may be repeated asnecessary while flexing the cable (particularly at its plugs). An ohmmetershould also be used to test for problems; it is a reliable method for testingcontinuity.