ESTOpESTOp command/queryThe :MEASURE:ESTOP command causes the instrument to position thestop marker on the specified edge and slope of the displayed waveform.All edges must be displayed and are counted from the left edge of thedisplay. The stop marker is positioned where VMarker 2 intersects thewaveform. The desired edge is specified by sending an integer value afterthe command name. If a positive integer is sent, the oscilloscope placesthe stop marker on a positive-going waveform edge. If a negative integeris sent, the stop marker is placed on a negative-going waveform edge.If VMarker 2 does not intersect the waveform as specified, the errormessage "Edges required not found" is displayed.The ESTOP query returns the currently specified edge.NoteThe short form of this command does not follow the definedconvention. The short form "EST' is the same for ESTART andESTOP, so be careful not to send this form for the ESTOPcommand. Sending "EST' will produce an error.Command Syntax: :MEASure:ESTOp Where: > :: = -127 to 127 excluding 0 (if a positive value is sent the + sign may beomitted or a space may be used)Example: OUTPUT 707;°:MEAS:ESTOP -2"This example places the stop marker at the second displayednegative-going intersection of the waveform at VMarker 2.Measure Subsystem14-22HP 54501AProgramming