ERRorERRor queryThe :SYSTEM:ERROR query outputs the next error number in the errorqueue over the HP-IB. This instrument has an error queue that is 30errors deep and operates on a first-in, first-out basis. Successively sendingthe query, :SYSTEM:ERROR?, returns the error numbers in the orderthat they occurred until the queue is empty. Any further queries thenreturn zeros until another error occurs.When the NUMBER parameter is used in the query only the numericerror code is output. When the STRING parameter is used the errornumber is output followed by a comma and a quoted string. If noparameter is specified then the numeric error code is output. Noparameter specified is the same as specifying NUMBER.See table 7-1 for the ERROR numbers.Query Syntax: ;8YSTein:ERRor? {NUMBer | STRing | (no_param)}Returned Format: [:SYSTem:ERRor] < error >[,< quoted string>]Where:< error > ::= an integer error code string > :: = an alpha string specifying the error conditionExample: DIM Emsg$[50]OUTPUT 707;":SYSTEM:ERROR?"ENTER 707;Emsg$PRINT Emsg$System Subsystem7-4HP 54501AProgramming