CONFigure:FREQuency {<range>|MIN|MAX|DEF},{<resolution>|MIN|MAX|DEF}Preset and configure a frequency measurement with the specified rangeand resolution. This command does not initiate the measurement.For frequency measurements, the multimeter uses one “range” for allinputs between 3 Hz and 300 kHz. With no input signal applied,frequency measurements return “0”.CONFigure:PERiod {<range>|MIN|MAX|DEF},{<resolution>|MIN|MAX|DEF}Preset and configure a period measurement with the specified rangeand resolution. This command does not initiate the measurement.For period measurements, the multimeter uses one “range” for allinputs between 0.33 seconds and 3.3 μsec. With no input signal applied,period measurements return “0”.CONFigure:CONTinuityPreset and configure the multimeter for continuity measurements.This command does not initiate the measurement. The range andresolution are fixed for continuity tests (1 kΩ range and 51⁄2 digits).CONFigure:DIODePreset and configure the multimeter for diode measurements.This command does not initiate the measurement. The range andresolution are fixed for diode tests (1 Vdc range with 1 mA currentsource output and 51⁄2 digits).CONFigure?Query the multimeter’s present configuration and return a quoted string.Chapter 4 Remote Interface ReferenceThe MEASure? and CONFigure Commands120