Hampton H200 Cast Freestanding Woodstove 23OPERATING INSTRUCTIONSASH DISPOSALDuring constant use, ashes should be removedevery few days. The Ash Drawer features aconvenient ash drawer for easy removal ofashes.Safety Precautions1) Do not allow ashes to build up to the loadingdoors! Only remove ashes when the fi rehas died down. Even then, expect to fi nda few hot embers.2) Please take care to prevent the build-up ofash around the start-up air housing locatedinside the stove box, near the pilot.3) Never start a fi re if the ash plug and ashdrawer are not in place. This will causeoverfi ring which can cause excessive warp-ing of the stove. Evidence of overfiring canvoid the warranty on your stove.4) The firebricks are brittle and can be damagedif the plug is replaced carelessly or piecesthat are too large are forced through thehole.4) When emptying the ash drawer, makesure the ashes have cooled down com-pletely. Ashes should be placed in a metalcontainer with a tight fi tting lid. The closedcontainer of ashes should be placed on anon-combustible fl oor or on the ground,well away from all combustible materials,pending fi nal disposal. If the ashes aredisposed of by burial in soil or otherwiselocally dispersed, they should be retainedin the closed container until all cinders havethoroughly cooled. Other waste should notbe placed in the ash container.5) Before putting the ash drawer back in, ensurethat the ash plug is back in place.Optional Ash DrawerOperating Guideline1) Only clean ashes out of the stove when theunit has cooled down. Remove the plug bylifting on the handle using the tool provided.The plug may still be warm, use caution.Push the ashes down the hole into the ashdrawer, the large pieces can be left in thefi rebox and burned during the next fi re orremoved through the door opening.Pull out Ash Drawer2) Always leave 1/2 to 1 inch of ash in thebottom of the fi rebox. This helps in easierstarting and a more uniform burn of yourfi re.3) To remove the drawer, slide it out. Whenthe drawer is completely out, slide the coverplate over the ash drawer and carry away.Slide cover plate over Ash Drawer.Ash Plug ToolAsh Plug Ash Plug Tool