195No destination address or destination UDP port number is configured in system view or aggregationview.ViewsSystem view, NetStream aggregation viewDefault command level3: Manage levelParametersip-address: Specifies the destination IP address for IPv6 NetStream data export. Only IPv4 addresses aresupported.udp-port: Specifies the destination UDP port number for IPv6 NetStream data export, in the range of 0to 65535.vpn-instance vpn-instance-name: Specifies an MPLS L3VPN that the IPv6 NetStream data exportdestination belongs to. The vpn-instance-name argument is a case-sensitive string of 1 to 31 characters.If the destination is on the public network, do not specify the option.Usage guidelinesIf an aggregation view is not enabled, you cannot use the display ipv6 netstream export command toview information (including the destination address and destination UDP port number) of theaggregation view.If the ip-address argument is not specified in the undo ipv6 netstream export host command, all IPaddresses configured in the current view are removed.You can configure the same destination address and destination UDP port number in differentaggregation views.The destination address and destination UDP port number configured in aggregation view takesprecedence over those configured in system view. If no destination address or destination UDP portnumber is configured in aggregate view, those configured in system view apply.Up to four different destination addresses, including addresses in different VPNs, can be configured inone aggregation view. If you have configured the destination addresses with the same IP addresses butdifferent UDP port numbers, the last configuration takes effect. If you configure different VPN names,configure destination addresses with the same IP address and UDP port number.IPv6 NetStream traditional data is exported to all destination addresses configured in system view, andIPv6 NetStream aggregation data is exported to all destination addresses configured in the relatedaggregation view. If you expect IPv6 NetStream aggregation data only, configure the destinationaddress in the aggregation view, and do not configure the destination address in system view. Otherwise,the IPv6 NetStream traditional data is also exported, which will increase the bandwidth occupation.Examples# Configure the address for IPv6 NetStream data export as, UDP port 5000, and vpn1. system-view[Sysname] ipv6 netstream export host 5000Related commands• ipv6 netstream aggregation• ipv6 netstream export source