Helpdesk - 53H E L P D E S KSAFE COMPUTINGTo make the most of your new computer and ensure it runs smoothly for along time, you should use the programs below and regularly perform theactions described in this guide.MaintenanceRecommended maintenance tasksThere are several tasks you should perform periodically (about once permonth) to ensure your computer stays in good health:Error checkingUsing the Check Disk tool regularly prevents your system from gettingunreliable and information getting lost. It checks and repairs two types oferrors:• file system errors, such as fragmented files that were not deleted andfiles with invalid sizes or dates;• physical errors, which may occur on your hard disk as it wears out overtime.1. Click on Start > Computer. Right-click on the Gateway (C:) iconand select Properties.2. Click on Tools and Check Now in the Error-checking section.