Chapter 1: Introduction www.gateway.com2OverviewStorView® Storage Management software is a full-featured, graphical,HTML-based, software suite designed to configure, manage, and monitorstorage subsystems. StorView is built on a modular design and currentlysupports only the RAID Module. However, other supported modules willbecome available in the future.The RAID Module provides the support for the Gateway E-842R RAID StorageSolution with an extensive set of configuration and management tools.StorView’s RAID Module is available in two versions: host-based and embedded.The host-based version is installed on the host computer system. Theembedded version is installed on the RAID Controller.StorView’s server component discovers storage solutions, manages anddistributes message logs, and communicates with other server componentsinstalled on the same local network and external subnet networks. StorView hasan HTML-based interface that is accessed with a Web browser.StorView incorporates Web server software (Apache 2.0) as part of theinstallation, which provides the interface between the server component andHTML interface. During installation, the Web server is automatically configuredand requires no further management. The installation of the Web serversoftware is self-contained and does not conflict with other Web server softwarecurrently installed on your system.Inter-server communicationMulticastStorView’s server component uses multicasting technology to provideinter-server communication with other servers when the Global Access licenseis installed. During the server’s initial start-up, it performs a multicastregistration using the default multicast IP address of on port 9191.After registration is complete, the server can receive all packets sent to themulticast address.All packets sent to the multicast address remain in the local network, unless anexplicit server IP address outside the subnet is added in the “Inter-ServerCommunication” Explicit StorView Server IPs > Preference Settings. For moreinformation, see “Monitoring settings” on page 35. The inter-servercommunication abilities provide StorView with remote monitoring of otherinstallations of StorView and their monitored storage solutions.StorView can communicate with any StorView installation on the local network.These other StorView servers are displayed on the Main window and are listedunder the Other Servers section. They display the IP address, name, and overallstatus of that server’s monitored storage solution. The server icon changesstates to indicate status. For more information, see “Server sidebar section” onpage 26.Each server sends a check-in packet every 10 seconds. After an initial check-inpacket is received, all StorView servers know of the existence of the otherservers. If a server fails to send three check-in packets, the other servers markthat server as missing. This is indicated by a white Server icon displayed on theMain window under the Other Servers section.