Magnum DS50 / DS60s Dual Speed Hubs Installation and User Guide (06/02)2.2.2 Fiber port, SC Connector for Model DS60FSC type (single-mode or multi-mode)The Fast Ethernet fiberswitched port on the Magnum DS60F isset to operate at fixed 100Mb speed forguaranteed high performance. TheDS60F’s fiber port is factory-built andavailable either as a multi-mode SC, ora single-mode or long-reach SC connector. The 100Mb fiber port will run at 100Mbs speed atall times with manually selected full- and half-duplex capability. The 100Mbps fiber port is aswitched port and performs as a separate traffic domain, providing a high bandwidth backboneconnection (no media converter is required !) and supporting long (up to 40km) fiber cabledistances for installation versatility.Port 6 (the fiber port) has an “F - H” user-selectable manual switch. When set in the“F” position, it forces full-duplex mode. When set in the “H” position, it forces half-duplexmode, still at 100Mbps speed.On Magnum DS60F units, there are three LED’s for the switched ports. One (LK) issteady ON to indicate LINK is operational. The speed (100) LED is ON for 100Mbps and OFFfor 10Mbps (when LINK is made). The F/H indicates full-duplex when ON. When it is OFF,operation is half-duplex.A fiber cable must be connected to the 100Mb port and a proper link (LK light) must be madewith the device at the other end of the cable in order for these LEDs to provide valid indicationsof operating conditions.2.2.3 Magnum DS60C Dual-speed Hubs Plus with Copper port, ChassisThe Magnum DS60C chassishouses one main board for the five hub portsand for the switched port. It has an internalpower supply and a small cooling fan in thebottom. The front side of chassis consists ofMagnum DS60Personal Hub PlusGARRETT= xUPLINKLINK 100 LINK 100LINK 100 LINK 100LINK 10010010COLPWR1 2 3 4 5 6RXFDX100LK10/100 Mb/s FF-AMagnum DS60C Dual-speed Hubs Plus8www GarrettCom com. .