Magnum DS50 / DS60s Dual Speed Hubs Installation and User Guide (06/02)2.2 Product DescriptionThe Magnum DS60C Dual-speed Hub Plus is an easy to install, cost-effective Dual-speed hub. It has five 10/100Mb repeater shared ports along with a 10/100 Mbps switched portthat can be configured to provide “auto-negotiating” or “Full fixed” connectivity between a100Mb segment and a 10Mb segment; or between two 100Mb segments at full duplexcapability. The Magnum DS60F belongs to the same DS60’s family except the sixth port is aswitched Fiber port at 100Mbps and can be set at Full-duplex or Half-duplex to support anyconnectivity with Hubs or switches. The “future-proof” fiber port provides a securelonger distance advantage and eliminates the need for a media converter,The Magnum DS50 dual-speed hub has only the five 10/100 Mb repeater ports. Eachport can independently identify (via IEEE 802.3u auto sensing) and accept either 100Mbps or10Mbps Ethernet signals, adapting to match the best speed of the connected device. Each unithas its own internal power supply. The Magnum DS50 / DS60 Dual-speed Hub Plus has twointernal traffic domains . . . one for the 100 Mb domain and one for the 10Mbps domain. The100Mbps users share the 100Mbps domain’s bandwidth and the 10 Mbps users share the10Mbps domain’s bandwidth.GARRETTPWR 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8Magnum8000EStackableHub9 10 11 12GARRETTPWR 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 1 0 11 1210Mbps Hub 100Mbps Hub Magnum DS60Personal Hub PlusGARRETT= xU PLINKLINK 100 LINK 100LINK 100 LINK 100LINK 10010010COLPWR1 2 3 4 5 6RXFDX100LK10/100 M b/s FF-AFig. 2.2.1 Magnum DS50 / DS60 is functionally both a 10Mbps and 100Mbps in oneThe Magnum DS60s, because of their dual-speed capability and switched ports, areideally suited for adding a Fast Ethernet workgroup to an existing 10Mb or 100Mb network. Asmall 10/100Mb workgroup connects to the five “hub” ports while another workgroup or anexisting network segment . . . a separate collision domain of 10Mb or 100Mb units . . . connectsto port 6. For expansion of the five 10/100Mb ports, an additional 100Mbps or 10Mb hub canbe cascaded from port 1. Each domain can have its own local servers and other local traffic.Thus, the DS60s can bridge-isolate one collision domain from the other, separating the localtraffic between each workgroup’s users and servers from the rest of the network. The MagnumDS60s will filter and forward the packets to / from port 6 and the other ports, thereby givingmore bandwidth to each domain for maximum network performance.The Magnum DS50 / DS60s are available with an internal AC Power supply withauto-ranging power voltage (100 - 240 VAC). The 24VDC and -48VDC Power supply optionenables this product to be used in the industrial and telecom markets. The Magnum DS50 /6www GarrettCom com. .
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