67Press ENTER when the pointer is on the desired location.Or...4b. If ‘Use Find Menu’ is selected, follow the step-by-step instructions on pages 26-32in this manual.Note that, the times displayed are the recognized best and good times for huntingand fishing. But, be certain that they are not in conflict with state and local game lawswhich may vary from location to location. It is your responsibility to know and abideby these laws.Main Menu: Accessories: CalendarThe Calendar Accessories Page provides you with a monthly calendar with pro-grammable reference notes. You can display one monthly calendar at a time and markreference notes on the calendar dates using the ROCKER KEYPAD and ENTER. TheGPS V will store up to 100 calendar notes with up to 18 characters per note.To select the desired month (and year):1. Follow the steps on page 64 to select the Calendar Accessory Page.2. Use the ROCKER KEYPAD to highlight a direction arrow on either side of the‘Month’ fi eld. Use the back arrow to view preceding months and the forward arrowto view subsequent months.3. Press ENTER, as often as necessary, to view the desired month.To create a calendar note:1. Follow the steps on page 64 to select the Calendar Accessory Page.2. Use the ROCKER KEYPAD to highlight the date the note will be associated withand press ENTER. (cont.)3. With ‘’ highlighted, press ENTER.Main Menu: AccessoriesThe Calendar Accessory Page displays a one-month calendar.You can add notes to the calendar as well.Reference